Source code for qwiic_icm20948

# Python library for the SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ICM-20948 (Qwiic).
# Written by  SparkFun Electronics, March 2020
# This python library supports the SparkFun Electroncis qwiic 
# qwiic sensor/board ecosystem 
# More information on qwiic is at https://
# Do you like this library? Help support SparkFun. Buy a board!
# Copyright (c) 2020 SparkFun Electronics
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 
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Python module for the [SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ICM-20948 (Qwiic)](

This python package is a port of the existing [SparkFun ICM-20948 Arduino Library](

This package can be used in conjunction with the overall [SparkFun qwiic Python Package](

New to qwiic? Take a look at the entire [SparkFun qwiic ecosystem](


import qwiic_i2c
import time

# Define the device name and I2C addresses. These are set in the class defintion 
# as class variables, making them avilable without having to create a class instance.
# This allows higher level logic to rapidly create a index of qwiic devices at 
# runtine
# The name of this device 
_DEFAULT_NAME = "Qwiic ICM20948"

# Some devices have multiple availabel addresses - this is a list of these addresses.
# NOTE: The first address in this list is considered the default I2C address for the 
# device.
_AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS = [0x69, 0x68]

# define our valid chip IDs
_validChipIDs = [0xEA]

# Internal Sensor IDs, used in various functions as arguments to know who to affect
ICM_20948_Internal_Acc = (1 << 0)
ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr = (1 << 1)
ICM_20948_Internal_Mag = (1 << 2)
ICM_20948_Internal_Tmp = (1 << 3)
ICM_20948_Internal_Mst = (1 << 4) # I2C Master Ineternal

# Sample mode options
ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Continuous = 0x00
ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Cycled = 0x01

# Accel full scale range options [AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG]
gpm2 = 0x00 # G forces Plus or Minus (aka "gpm")
gpm4 = 0x01
gpm8 = 0x02
gpm16 = 0x03

# Gyro full scale range options [AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1]
dps250 = 0x00 #degrees per second (aka "dps")
dps500 = 0x01
dps1000 = 0x02
dps2000 = 0x03

# Accelerometer low pass filter configuration options
# Format is dAbwB_nXbwZ - A is integer part of 3db BW, B is fraction. X is integer part of nyquist bandwidth, Y is fraction
acc_d246bw_n265bw = 0x00
acc_d246bw_n265bw_1 = 0x01
acc_d111bw4_n136bw = 0x02
acc_d50bw4_n68bw8 = 0x03
acc_d23bw9_n34bw4 = 0x04
acc_d11bw5_n17bw = 0x05
acc_d5bw7_n8bw3 = 0x06
acc_d473bw_n499bw = 0x07

# Gryo low pass filter configuration options
# Format is dAbwB_nXbwZ - A is integer part of 3db BW, B is fraction. X is integer part of nyquist bandwidth, Y is fraction
gyr_d196bw6_n229bw8 = 0x00
gyr_d151bw8_n187bw6 = 0x01
gyr_d119bw5_n154bw3 = 0x02
gyr_d51bw2_n73bw3 = 0x03
gyr_d23bw9_n35bw9 = 0x04
gyr_d11bw6_n17bw8 = 0x05
gyr_d5bw7_n8bw9 = 0x06
gyr_d361bw4_n376bw5 = 0x07

# Magnetometer specific stuff
MAG_AK09916_I2C_ADDR = 0x0C
MAG_AK09916_WHO_AM_I = 0x4809
AK09916_mode_power_down = 0x00
AK09916_mode_single 	= (0x01 << 0)
AK09916_mode_cont_10hz 	= (0x01 << 1)
AK09916_mode_cont_20hz 	= (0x02 << 1)
AK09916_mode_cont_50hz 	= (0x03 << 1)
AK09916_mode_cont_100hz = (0x04 << 1)
AK09916_mode_self_test 	= (0x01 << 4)

#Magnetometer Registers (aka sub-addresses when reading as I2C Master)
AK09916_REG_WIA1 = 0x00
AK09916_REG_WIA2 = 0x01
AK09916_REG_ST1 = 0x10
AK09916_REG_HXL = 0x11
AK09916_REG_HXH = 0x12
AK09916_REG_HYL = 0x13
AK09916_REG_HYH = 0x14
AK09916_REG_HZL = 0x15
AK09916_REG_HZH = 0x16
AK09916_REG_ST2 = 0x18
AK09916_REG_CNTL2 = 0x31
AK09916_REG_CNTL3 = 0x32

# define the class that encapsulates the device being created. All information associated with this
# device is encapsulated by this class. The device class should be the only value exported 
# from this module.

[docs]class QwiicIcm20948(object): """ QwiicIcm20948 :param address: The I2C address to use for the device. If not provided, the default address is used. :param i2c_driver: An existing i2c driver object. If not provided a driver object is created. :return: The ICM20948 device object. :rtype: Object """ # Constructor device_name = _DEFAULT_NAME available_addresses = _AVAILABLE_I2C_ADDRESS # Generalized REG_BANK_SEL = 0x7F # Gyroscope and Accelerometer # User Bank 0 AGB0_REG_WHO_AM_I = 0x00 AGB0_REG_USER_CTRL = 0x03 AGB0_REG_LP_CONFIG = 0x05 AGB0_REG_PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x06 AGB0_REG_PWR_MGMT_2 = 0x07 AGB0_REG_INT_PIN_CONFIG = 0x0F AGB0_REG_INT_ENABLE = 0x10 AGB0_REG_INT_ENABLE_1 = 0x11 AGB0_REG_INT_ENABLE_2 = 0x12 AGB0_REG_INT_ENABLE_3 = 0x13 AGB0_REG_I2C_MST_STATUS = 0x17 AGB0_REG_INT_STATUS = 0x19 AGB0_REG_INT_STATUS_1 = 0x1A AGB0_REG_INT_STATUS_2 = 0x1B AGB0_REG_INT_STATUS_3 = 0x1C AGB0_REG_DELAY_TIMEH = 0x28 AGB0_REG_DELAY_TIMEL = 0x29 AGB0_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_H = 0x2D AGB0_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_L = 0x2E AGB0_REG_ACCEL_YOUT_H = 0x2F AGB0_REG_ACCEL_YOUT_L = 0x30 AGB0_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_H = 0x31 AGB0_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_L = 0x32 AGB0_REG_GYRO_XOUT_H = 0x33 AGB0_REG_GYRO_XOUT_L = 0x34 AGB0_REG_GYRO_YOUT_H = 0x35 AGB0_REG_GYRO_YOUT_L = 0x36 AGB0_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_H = 0x37 AGB0_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_L = 0x38 AGB0_REG_TEMP_OUT_H = 0x39 AGB0_REG_TEMP_OUT_L = 0x3A AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_00 = 0x3B AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_01 = 0x3C AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_02 = 0x3D AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_03 = 0x3E AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_04 = 0x3F AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_05 = 0x40 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_06 = 0x41 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_07 = 0x42 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_08 = 0x43 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_09 = 0x44 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_10 = 0x45 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_11 = 0x46 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_12 = 0x47 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_13 = 0x48 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_14 = 0x49 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_15 = 0x4A AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_16 = 0x4B AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_17 = 0x4C AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_18 = 0x4D AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_19 = 0x4E AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_20 = 0x4F AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_21 = 0x50 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_22 = 0x51 AGB0_REG_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_23 = 0x52 AGB0_REG_FIFO_EN_1 = 0x66 AGB0_REG_FIFO_EN_2 = 0x67 AGB0_REG_FIFO_MODE = 0x69 AGB0_REG_FIFO_COUNT_H = 0x70 AGB0_REG_FIFO_COUNT_L = 0x71 AGB0_REG_FIFO_R_W = 0x72 AGB0_REG_DATA_RDY_STATUS = 0x74 AGB0_REG_FIFO_CFG = 0x76 AGB0_REG_MEM_START_ADDR = 0x7C # Hmm Invensense thought they were sneaky not listing these locations on the datasheet... AGB0_REG_MEM_R_W = 0x7D # These three locations seem to be able to access some memory within the device AGB0_REG_MEM_BANK_SEL = 0x7E # And that location is also where the DMP image gets loaded AGB0_REG_REG_BANK_SEL = 0x7F # Bank 1 AGB1_REG_SELF_TEST_X_GYRO = 0x02 AGB1_REG_SELF_TEST_Y_GYRO = 0x03 AGB1_REG_SELF_TEST_Z_GYRO = 0x04 AGB1_REG_SELF_TEST_X_ACCEL = 0x0E AGB1_REG_SELF_TEST_Y_ACCEL = 0x0F AGB1_REG_SELF_TEST_Z_ACCEL = 0x10 AGB1_REG_XA_OFFS_H = 0x14 AGB1_REG_XA_OFFS_L = 0x15 AGB1_REG_YA_OFFS_H = 0x17 AGB1_REG_YA_OFFS_L = 0x18 AGB1_REG_ZA_OFFS_H = 0x1A AGB1_REG_ZA_OFFS_L = 0x1B AGB1_REG_TIMEBASE_CORRECTION_PLL = 0x28 AGB1_REG_REG_BANK_SEL = 0x7F # Bank 2 AGB2_REG_GYRO_SMPLRT_DIV = 0x00 AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1 = 0x01 AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_2 = 0x02 AGB2_REG_XG_OFFS_USRH = 0x03 AGB2_REG_XG_OFFS_USRL = 0x04 AGB2_REG_YG_OFFS_USRH = 0x05 AGB2_REG_YG_OFFS_USRL = 0x06 AGB2_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRH = 0x07 AGB2_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRL = 0x08 AGB2_REG_ODR_ALIGN_EN = 0x09 AGB2_REG_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_1 = 0x10 AGB2_REG_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_2 = 0x11 AGB2_REG_ACCEL_INTEL_CTRL = 0x12 AGB2_REG_ACCEL_WOM_THR = 0x13 AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1 = 0x14 AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_2 = 0x15 AGB2_REG_FSYNC_CONFIG = 0x52 AGB2_REG_TEMP_CONFIG = 0x53 AGB2_REG_MOD_CTRL_USR = 0x54 AGB2_REG_REG_BANK_SEL = 0x7F # Bank 3 AGB3_REG_I2C_MST_ODR_CONFIG = 0x00 AGB3_REG_I2C_MST_CTRL = 0x01 AGB3_REG_I2C_MST_DELAY_CTRL = 0x02 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV0_ADDR = 0x03 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV0_REG = 0x04 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV0_CTRL = 0x05 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV0_DO = 0x06 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV1_ADDR = 0x07 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV1_REG = 0x08 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV1_CTRL = 0x09 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV1_DO = 0x0A AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV2_ADDR = 0x0B AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV2_REG = 0x0C AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV2_CTRL = 0x0D AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV2_DO = 0x0E AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV3_ADDR = 0x0F AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV3_REG = 0x10 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV3_CTRL = 0x11 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV3_DO = 0x12 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_ADDR = 0x13 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_REG = 0x14 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_CTRL = 0x15 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_DO = 0x16 AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_DI = 0x17 AGB3_REG_REG_BANK_SEL = 0x7F # Magnetometer M_REG_WIA2 = 0x01 M_REG_ST1 = 0x10 M_REG_HXL = 0x11 M_REG_HXH = 0x12 M_REG_HYL = 0x13 M_REG_HYH = 0x14 M_REG_HZL = 0x15 M_REG_HZH = 0x16 M_REG_ST2 = 0x18 M_REG_CNTL2 = 0x31 M_REG_CNTL3 = 0x32 M_REG_TS1 = 0x33 M_REG_TS2 = 0x34 # Constructor def __init__(self, address=None, i2c_driver=None): # Did the user specify an I2C address? self.address = address if address != None else self.available_addresses[0] # load the I2C driver if one isn't provided if i2c_driver == None: self._i2c = qwiic_i2c.getI2CDriver() if self._i2c == None: print("Unable to load I2C driver for this platform.") return else: self._i2c = i2c_driver # ---------------------------------- # isConnected() # # Is an actual board connected to our system?
[docs] def isConnected(self): """ Determine if a ICM20948 device is conntected to the system.. :return: True if the device is connected, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ return qwiic_i2c.isDeviceConnected(self.address)
connected = property(isConnected) # ---------------------------------- # setBank() # # Sets the bank register of the ICM20948 module
[docs] def setBank(self, bank): """ Sets the bank register of the ICM20948 module :return: Returns true if the bank was a valid value and it was set, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ if bank > 3: # Only 4 possible banks print("Invalid Bank value: %d" % bank) return False bank = ((bank << 4) & 0x30) # bits 5:4 of REG_BANK_SEL #return ICM_20948_execute_w(pdev, REG_BANK_SEL, &bank, 1) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.REG_BANK_SEL, bank)
# ---------------------------------- # swReset() # # Performs a software reset on the ICM20948 module
[docs] def swReset(self): """ Performs a software reset on the ICM20948 module :return: Returns true if the software reset was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the Power Management Register, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(0) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_PWR_MGMT_1) # Set the device reset bit [7] register |= (1<<7) # Write register self.setBank(0) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # sleep() # # Sets the ICM20948 module in or out of sleep mode
[docs] def sleep(self, on): """ Sets the ICM20948 module in or out of sleep mode :return: Returns true if the sleep setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the Power Management Register, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(0) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_PWR_MGMT_1) # Set/clear the sleep bit [6] as needed if on: register |= (1<<6) # set bit else: register &= ~(1<<6) # clear bit # Write register self.setBank(0) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # lowPower() # # Sets the ICM20948 module in or out of low power mode
[docs] def lowPower(self, on): """ Sets the ICM20948 module in or out of low power mode :return: Returns true if the power mode setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the Power Management Register, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(0) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_PWR_MGMT_1) # Set/clear the low power mode bit [5] as needed if on: register |= (1<<5) # set bit else: register &= ~(1<<5) # clear bit # Write register self.setBank(0) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # setSampleMode() # # Sets the sample mode of the ICM90248 module
[docs] def setSampleMode(self, sensors, mode): """ Sets the sample mode of the ICM90248 module :return: Returns true if the sample mode setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # check for valid sensor ID from user of this function if ((sensors & (ICM_20948_Internal_Acc | ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr | ICM_20948_Internal_Mst)) == False): print("Invalid Sensor ID") return False # Read the LP CONFIG Register, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(0) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_LP_CONFIG) if (sensors & ICM_20948_Internal_Acc): # Set/clear the sensor specific sample mode bit as needed if mode == ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Cycled: register |= (1<<5) # set bit elif mode == ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Continuous: register &= ~(1<<5) # clear bit if (sensors & ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr): # Set/clear the sensor specific sample mode bit as needed if mode == ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Cycled: register |= (1<<4) # set bit elif mode == ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Continuous: register &= ~(1<<4) # clear bit if (sensors & ICM_20948_Internal_Mst): # Set/clear the sensor specific sample mode bit as needed if mode == ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Cycled: register |= (1<<6) # set bit elif mode == ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Continuous: register &= ~(1<<6) # clear bit # Write register self.setBank(0) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_LP_CONFIG, register)
# ---------------------------------- # setFullScaleRangeAccel() # # Sets the full scale range for the accel in the ICM20948 module
[docs] def setFullScaleRangeAccel(self, mode): """ Sets the full scale range for the accel in the ICM20948 module :return: Returns true if the full scale range setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the Accel Config Register, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(2) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1) register &= ~(0b00000110) # clear bits 2:1 (0b0000.0XX0) register |= (mode << 1) # place mode select into bits 2:1 of AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG # Write register self.setBank(2) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # setFullScaleRangeGyro() # # Sets the full scale range for the gyro in the ICM20948 module
[docs] def setFullScaleRangeGyro(self, mode): """ Sets the full scale range for the gyro in the ICM20948 module :return: Returns true if the full scale range setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the Gyro Config Register, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(2) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1) register &= ~(0b00000110) # clear bits 2:1 (0b0000.0XX0) register |= (mode << 1) # place mode select into bits 2:1 of AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1 # Write register self.setBank(2) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # setDLPFcfgAccel() # # Sets the digital low pass filter for the accel in the ICM20948 module
[docs] def setDLPFcfgAccel(self, dlpcfg): """ Sets the digital low pass filter for the accel in the ICM20948 module :return: Returns true if the dlp setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the Accel Config Register, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(2) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1) register &= ~(0b00111000) # clear bits 5:3 (0b00XX.X000) register |= (dlpcfg << 3) # place dlpcfg select into bits 5:3 of AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1 # Write register self.setBank(2) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # setDLPFcfgGyro() # # Sets the digital low pass filter for the gyro in the ICM20948 module
[docs] def setDLPFcfgGyro(self, dlpcfg): """ Sets the digital low pass filter for the gyro in the ICM20948 module :return: Returns true if the dlp setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the gyro Config Register, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(2) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1) register &= ~(0b00111000) # clear bits 5:3 (0b00XX.X000) register |= (dlpcfg << 3) # place dlpcfg select into bits 5:3 of AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1 # Write register self.setBank(2) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # enableDlpfAccel() # # Enables or disables the accelerometer DLPF of the ICM90248 module
[docs] def enableDlpfAccel(self, on): """ Enables or disables the accelerometer DLPF of the ICM90248 module :return: Returns true if the DLPF mode setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(2) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1) # Set/clear the ACCEL_FCHOICE bit [0] as needed if on: register |= (1<<0) # set bit else: register &= ~(1<<0) # clear bit # Write register self.setBank(2) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # enableDlpfGyro() # # Enables or disables the Gyro DLPF of the ICM90248 module
[docs] def enableDlpfGyro(self, on): """ Enables or disables the Gyro DLPF of the ICM90248 module :return: Returns true if the DLPF mode setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(2) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1) # Set/clear the GYRO_FCHOICE bit [0] as needed if on: register |= (1<<0) # set bit else: register &= ~(1<<0) # clear bit # Write register self.setBank(2) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB2_REG_GYRO_CONFIG_1, register)
# ---------------------------------- # dataReady() # # Returns status of RAW_DATA_0_RDY_INT the ICM90248 module
[docs] def dataReady(self): """ Returns status of RAW_DATA_0_RDY_INT the ICM90248 module :return: Returns true if raw data is ready, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the AGB0_REG_INT_STATUS_1, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(0) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_INT_STATUS_1) # check bit [0] if (register & (1<<0)): return True else: return False
# ---------------------------------- # ToSignedInt() # # Takes an input data of 16 bits, and returns the signed 32 bit int version of this data
[docs] def ToSignedInt(self, input): """ Takes an input data of 16 bits, and returns the signed 32 bit int version of this data :return: Signed 32 bit integer :rtype: int """ if input > 32767: input -= 65536 return input
# ---------------------------------- # getAgmt() # # Reads and updates raw values from accel, gyro, mag and temp of the ICM90248 module
[docs] def getAgmt(self): """ Reads and updates raw values from accel, gyro, mag and temp of the ICM90248 module :return: Returns True if I2C readBlock was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read all of the readings starting at AGB0_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_H numbytes = 14 + 9 # Read Accel, gyro, temp, and 9 bytes of mag self.setBank(0) buff = self._i2c.readBlock(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_H, numbytes) self.axRaw = ((buff[0] << 8) | (buff[1] & 0xFF)) self.ayRaw = ((buff[2] << 8) | (buff[3] & 0xFF)) self.azRaw = ((buff[4] << 8) | (buff[5] & 0xFF)) self.gxRaw = ((buff[6] << 8) | (buff[7] & 0xFF)) self.gyRaw = ((buff[8] << 8) | (buff[9] & 0xFF)) self.gzRaw = ((buff[10] << 8) | (buff[11] & 0xFF)) self.tmpRaw = ((buff[12] << 8) | (buff[13] & 0xFF)) self.magStat1 = buff[14] self.mxRaw = ((buff[16] << 8) | (buff[15] & 0xFF)) # Mag data is read little endian self.myRaw = ((buff[18] << 8) | (buff[17] & 0xFF)) self.mzRaw = ((buff[20] << 8) | (buff[19] & 0xFF)) self.magStat2 = buff[22] # Convert all values to signed (because python treats all ints as 32 bit ints # and does not see the MSB as the sign of our 16 bit int raw value) self.axRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.axRaw) self.ayRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.ayRaw) self.azRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.azRaw) self.gxRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.gxRaw) self.gyRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.gyRaw) self.gzRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.gzRaw) self.mxRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.mxRaw) self.myRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.myRaw) self.mzRaw = self.ToSignedInt(self.mzRaw) # check for data read error if buff: return True else: return False
# ---------------------------------- # i2cMasterPassthrough() # # Enables or disables I2C Master Passthrough
[docs] def i2cMasterPassthrough(self, passthrough): """ Enables or disables I2C Master Passthrough :return: Returns true if the setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the AGB0_REG_INT_PIN_CONFIG, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(0) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_INT_PIN_CONFIG) # Set/clear the BYPASS_EN bit [1] as needed if passthrough: register |= (1<<1) # set bit else: register &= ~(1<<1) # clear bit # Write register self.setBank(0) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_INT_PIN_CONFIG, register)
# ---------------------------------- # i2cMasterEnable() # # Enables or disables I2C Master
[docs] def i2cMasterEnable(self, enable): """ Enables or disables I2C Master :return: Returns true if the setting write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ self.i2cMasterPassthrough(False) # Disable BYPASS_EN # Setup Master Clock speed as 345.6 kHz, and NSP (aka next slave read) to "stop between reads" # Read the AGB3_REG_I2C_MST_CTRL, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(3) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB3_REG_I2C_MST_CTRL) register &= ~(0x0F) # clear bits for master clock [3:0] register |= (0x07) # set bits for master clock [3:0], 0x07 corresponds to 345.6 kHz, good for up to 400 kHz register |= (1<<4) # set bit [4] for NSR (next slave read). 0 = restart between reads. 1 = stop between reads. # Write register self.setBank(3) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB3_REG_I2C_MST_CTRL, register) # enable/disable Master I2C # Read the AGB0_REG_USER_CTRL, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(0) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_USER_CTRL) # Set/clear the I2C_MST_EN bit [5] as needed if enable: register |= (1<<5) # set bit else: register &= ~(1<<5) # clear bit # Write register self.setBank(0) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_USER_CTRL, register)
# Transact directly with an I2C device, one byte at a time # Used to configure a device before it is setup into a normal 0-3 slave slot def ICM_20948_i2c_master_slv4_txn(self, addr, reg, data, Rw, send_reg_addr): # Thanks MikeFair! // if Rw: addr |= 0x80 self.setBank(3) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_ADDR, addr) self.setBank(3) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_REG, reg) ctrl_register_slv4 = 0x00 ctrl_register_slv4 |= (1<<7) # EN bit [7] (set) ctrl_register_slv4 &= ~(1<<6) # INT_EN bit [6] (cleared) ctrl_register_slv4 &= ~(0x0F) # DLY bits [4:0] (cleared = 0) if(send_reg_addr): ctrl_register_slv4 &= ~(1<<5) # REG_DIS bit [5] (cleared) else: ctrl_register_slv4 |= (1<<5) # REG_DIS bit [5] (set) txn_failed = False if (Rw == False): self.setBank(3) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_DO, data) # Kick off txn self.setBank(3) self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_CTRL, ctrl_register_slv4) max_cycles = 1000 count = 0 slave4Done = False while (slave4Done == False): self.setBank(0) i2c_mst_status = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_I2C_MST_STATUS) if i2c_mst_status & (1<<6): # Check I2C_SLAVE_DONE bit [6] slave4Done = True if count > max_cycles: slave4Done = True count += 1 if i2c_mst_status & (1<<4): # Check I2C_SLV4_NACK bit [4] txn_failed = True if count > max_cycles: txn_failed = True if txn_failed: return False if Rw: self.setBank(3) return self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV4_DI) return True # if we get here, then it was a successful write def i2cMasterSingleW(self, addr, reg, data): data1 = self.ICM_20948_i2c_master_slv4_txn(addr, reg, data, False, True) return data1 def writeMag(self, reg, data): data = self.i2cMasterSingleW(MAG_AK09916_I2C_ADDR, reg, data) return data def i2cMasterSingleR(self, addr, reg): data = self.ICM_20948_i2c_master_slv4_txn(addr, reg, 0, True, True) return data def readMag(self, reg): data = self.i2cMasterSingleR(MAG_AK09916_I2C_ADDR, reg) return data # ---------------------------------- # magWhoIAm() # # Checks to see that the Magnetometer returns the correct ID value
[docs] def magWhoIAm(self): """ Checks to see that the Magnatometer returns the correct ID value :return: Returns true if the check was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ whoiam1 = self.readMag(AK09916_REG_WIA1) whoiam2 = self.readMag(AK09916_REG_WIA2) if ((whoiam1 == (MAG_AK09916_WHO_AM_I >> 8)) and (whoiam2 == (MAG_AK09916_WHO_AM_I & 0xFF))): return True else: return False
# ---------------------------------- # i2cMasterReset() # # Resets I2C Master Module
[docs] def i2cMasterReset(self): """ Resets I2C Master Module :return: Returns true if the i2c write was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Read the AGB0_REG_USER_CTRL, store in local variable "register" self.setBank(0) register = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_USER_CTRL) # Set the I2C_MST_RST bit [1] register |= (1<<1) # set bit # Write register self.setBank(0) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_USER_CTRL, register)
# ---------------------------------- # ICM_20948_i2c_master_configure_slave() # # Configures Master/slave settings for the ICM20948 as master, and slave in slots 0-3
[docs] def i2cMasterConfigureSlave(self, slave, addr, reg, len, Rw, enable, data_only, grp, swap): """ Configures Master/slave settings for the ICM20948 as master, and slave in slots 0-3 :return: Returns true if the configuration was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # Adjust slave address, reg (aka sub-address), and control as needed for each slave slot (0-3) slv_addr_reg = 0x00 slv_reg_reg = 0x00 slv_ctrl_reg = 0x00 if slave == 0: slv_addr_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV0_ADDR slv_reg_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV0_REG slv_ctrl_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV0_CTRL elif slave == 1: slv_addr_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV1_ADDR slv_reg_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV1_REG slv_ctrl_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV1_CTRL elif slave == 2: slv_addr_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV2_ADDR slv_reg_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV2_REG slv_ctrl_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV2_CTRL elif slave == 3: slv_addr_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV3_ADDR slv_reg_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV3_REG slv_ctrl_reg = self.AGB3_REG_I2C_SLV3_CTRL else: return False self.setBank(3) # Set the slave address and the Rw flag address = addr if Rw: address |= (1<<7) # set bit# set RNW bit [7] self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, slv_addr_reg, address) # Set the slave sub-address (reg) subAddress = reg self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, slv_reg_reg, subAddress) # Set up the control info ctrl_reg_slvX = 0x00 ctrl_reg_slvX |= len ctrl_reg_slvX |= (enable << 7) ctrl_reg_slvX |= (swap << 6) ctrl_reg_slvX |= (data_only << 5) ctrl_reg_slvX |= (grp << 4) return self._i2c.writeByte(self.address, slv_ctrl_reg, ctrl_reg_slvX)
# ---------------------------------- # startupMagnetometer() # # Initialize the magnotometer with default values
[docs] def startupMagnetometer(self): """ Initialize the magnotometer with default values :return: Returns true of the initializtion was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ self.i2cMasterPassthrough(False) #Do not connect the SDA/SCL pins to AUX_DA/AUX_CL self.i2cMasterEnable(True) # After a ICM reset the Mag sensor may stop responding over the I2C master # Reset the Master I2C until it responds tries = 0 maxTries = 5 while (tries < maxTries): # See if we can read the WhoIAm register correctly if (self.magWhoIAm()): break # WIA matched! self.i2cMasterReset() # Otherwise, reset the master I2C and try again tries += 1 if (tries == maxTries): print("Mag ID fail. Tries: %d\n", tries) return False #Set up magnetometer mag_reg_ctrl2 = 0x00 mag_reg_ctrl2 |= AK09916_mode_cont_100hz self.writeMag(AK09916_REG_CNTL2, mag_reg_ctrl2) return self.i2cMasterConfigureSlave(0, MAG_AK09916_I2C_ADDR, AK09916_REG_ST1, 9, True, True, False, False, False)
# ---------------------------------- # begin() # # Initialize the system/validate the board.
[docs] def begin(self): """ Initialize the operation of the ICM20948 module :return: Returns true of the initializtion was successful, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ # are we who we need to be? self.setBank(0) chipID = self._i2c.readByte(self.address, self.AGB0_REG_WHO_AM_I) if not chipID in _validChipIDs: print("Invalid Chip ID: 0x%.2X" % chipID) return False # software reset self.swReset() time.sleep(.05) # set sleep mode off self.sleep(False) # set lower power mode off self.lowPower(False) # set sample mode to continuous for both accel and gyro self.setSampleMode((ICM_20948_Internal_Acc | ICM_20948_Internal_Gyr), ICM_20948_Sample_Mode_Continuous) # set full scale range for both accel and gryo (separate functions) self.setFullScaleRangeAccel(gpm2) self.setFullScaleRangeGyro(dps250) # set low pass filter for both accel and gyro (separate functions) self.setDLPFcfgAccel(acc_d473bw_n499bw) self.setDLPFcfgGyro(gyr_d361bw4_n376bw5) # disable digital low pass filters on both accel and gyro self.enableDlpfAccel(False) self.enableDlpfGyro(False) self.startupMagnetometer() return True